Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Part of the Community at the Naturally Newfound Fair

We scooped up lots of, "Newfound's Natural Homemade Ice Cream" to many happy people at the Naturally Newfound fair in Hebron last Saturday. We just about sold all the ice cream we brought with us, joking at the end to customers, "Would you like coffee, coffee, or coffee?"People didn't seem to mind though. Maybe next time we'll bring 3 coolers!

The Newfound Lake Region Association organized the fair along with some local co-sponsors. The crowds came out to celebrate the "Newfound way of life" despite a little rain. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, and we hope our ice cream and fudge added to their enjoyment.

It was really cool to notice how much more "known" we were this year compared to Naturally Newfound '08 and '07. Before, we were the newbies, with locals asking where we were located and what we're up to. This time, probably 90% of people knew about our fudge and ice cream. Many asked about our situation with the mica building. It was great to feel like we're truly an integral part of the Newfound community now. The people who didn't know about us were often new to the community and just discovering what's here! We're honored to be part of such a wonderful community of people.

We look forward to being at the Newfound Chamber of Commerce event, "Taste of Newfound" and hope to see you there.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dangerous, irresponsible crazy development!

Terry was in the Square today and talked to a kid of about twenty, who has been hired by Suldenski to start clearing the floors of the Mica building! He was in there for three hours this afternoon on his own, with no hard hat! Not only that, but he 'borrowed' our wheelbarrow to get the job done! This is a building that the Fire Chief, the code officer and two structural engineers have said is so unsafe that we had to be evacuated, and Suldenski sends in a kid to clean it up.
If this is the way he is going to proceed, and I can't say it's a surprise, someone is going to get hurt. Please call and write to the selectmen, particularly Bruce Van Derven, since he seems to be the selectman who is most involved with Suldenski, or better still go to the meeting tomorrow night and demand answers as to how they are going to oversee this project so that no one is killed

Something moving at last

Suldenski and Bruce Van Derven were spotted outside of the Mica building the other day, and a dump truck was delivered. We had heard that the selectmen were negotiating with Suldenski, remember his rights are infinitely more important that ours, or the down town area of Bristol! :) It looks like work is about to start to shore up the building from the inside. If that is what is happening, we should be able to move back into our building as soon as the Mica building is made safe. Then it will be interesting to watch how the situation develops. Will Suldenski stop there, or will he renovate the whole building? Where is he getting the money for this, since he owes the town of Franklin $26,000 in back taxes? Is he going to shore it up and leave it as an unsightly blight on the Square while he makes useless appeals to NH Superior court? The selectmen clearly believe in him. They think he will honor the negotiations, and continue with the renovation. If indeed it turns out he had money all along, then why could he not have met his responsibilities before it nearly put us out of business? I'll keep you posted

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Need a last minute Father's Day gift? Send an online gift certificate by email for fresh New England fudge! http://ping.fm/wEX26

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Front page news!

Check out this great article which is on the front page of the Concord Monitor today. 

It is well written, captures the situation perfectly, and in my opinion shows up the selectmen and Suldenski very well indeed! :)

After four months of nothing happening and Suldenski's rights being put way in front of ours by the selectmen, even when the court deemed otherwise, we have been forced to retain a lawyer. It is not something we wanted to do. We would have preferred to be on the same side as our town government. If they had even once agreed to sit down with us face to face to listen to us, and to ask us intelligent questions about our situation, and what would best help our business  survive, things could have been very different. The communication with them was abysmal from the day in February when we all stood outside the Mica building and the selectmen refused to meet with us, instead going into a closed meeting. We had to push them then, and ever since, to at least listen to us, and all we have ever received is political platitudes. So now it is in the hands of lawyers, and quite frankly it is a relief. 

So just to be clear, the Selectmen now have the power to demolish the Mica Building, regardless of what Suldeneski said in the article.  Please let the Selectmen know how you feel about their delay, and remember,  since they have to vote in public session, stay in touch with their agenda. Those votes are first discussed in private, and the vote can be over before you noticed in the public arena! 
Great article in the Concord Monitor today, "Empty factory's fate looms over cafe" - http://ping.fm/gIqZS