Friday, May 15, 2009

Court hearing, and yes the selectmen want to negotiate with Suldenski

David and Noah were at the court hearing yesterday and David was able to talk to the judge, who said he empathized with our situation. We don't know how long it will take till a verdict comes in, but we can confirm from conversations David and Noah had yesterday that regardless of what the court decides,  the five selectmen do indeed want to negotiate with John Suldenski. We find this unbelievable. A web search in court records leaves one in no doubt what kind of a landlord and property owner John Suldenski is. Why the selectmen would want to negotiate with him, while the building remains a health and safety hazard, (The code officer, the fire chief and two structural engineers confirm this) and why they would refuse to even talk to us now, given that we are about to lose our business because of this, is anyone's guess. The selectmen do have a way out of this. They can use the emergency funds to take the building down. They are playing politics, hoping no one is injured in the meantime! We want a lot more than that from them. We want some vision and big thinking! Imagine the down town with several thriving businesses, run by people who actually pay their taxes. Imagine the down town area without that huge slum building? Imagine a garden where people could sit by the river, or a decent building with a decent landlord who won't rent it out to God knows who,  and not keep up with repairs?

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  1. Here's some up-to-date all-time visitor stats for our blog:

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  2. I've been following this saga since it started, and I too am amazed at the turn of events with respect to the selectmen wanting to negotiate with a landlord who doesn't seem to care about the safety of his buildings (out of sight, out of mind, huh?). Could you post contact info (email being the easiest) for the town selectmen? Maybe instead of a petition, direct contact might be good. They are elected officials, right?

    Our family will be up there again this summer and can only hope the town decides to do the right thing.

    Good luck.

  3. This is really bad news, but more than that, it is surprising given the verbal support you've received from the town (and the monetary support as well).

    Could you post contact info for the selectman? Like emails? Maybe direct (but polite) contact instead of a petition is the way to go.

    Our family will be spending time in the area again this summer, and we are hoping some resolution comes of this--we would hate to see such an excellent business have to close or relocate.

  4. The voters of Bristol need to be made aware of the short-sighted folks running their town. Negotiating with a person like this is--there's no other good word for it--stupidity. The building should be demolished, with prejeduce! The selectmen responsible for this fiasco continuing should be voted out. They ought to be embarrassed, as should anyone represented by them.

  5. Does this John Suldenski own property in Rochester, NH also? If so he may be having problems there also with unsafe property...

  6. As far as we know suldenski owns property in several towns in NH. It looks like he has abandoned the one next to us again! It's quite easy to find out who owns a particular property on line if you have the address
