Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dangerous, irresponsible crazy development!

Terry was in the Square today and talked to a kid of about twenty, who has been hired by Suldenski to start clearing the floors of the Mica building! He was in there for three hours this afternoon on his own, with no hard hat! Not only that, but he 'borrowed' our wheelbarrow to get the job done! This is a building that the Fire Chief, the code officer and two structural engineers have said is so unsafe that we had to be evacuated, and Suldenski sends in a kid to clean it up.
If this is the way he is going to proceed, and I can't say it's a surprise, someone is going to get hurt. Please call and write to the selectmen, particularly Bruce Van Derven, since he seems to be the selectman who is most involved with Suldenski, or better still go to the meeting tomorrow night and demand answers as to how they are going to oversee this project so that no one is killed


  1. Sorry to hear about your building, that really sucks. I hate to say it, but It's Bristol.. I was born and raised here (21 years) and that's how our small town works: no hard hats and dysfunctional politics..

    p.s. I've noticed there are lots of buildings downtown for rent, so at least you have options while you wait on slow legislation

  2. Or, better yet, hunt down Suldenski and force him at broompoint to clean up his own damn building!!!

  3. oh... my... god...

    no hard hat? just one person? I'd think they'd have to work in pairs or something....


  4. What a wonderful idea! if only the world was that logical!

  5. HI Laura,
    It's time for a change in Bristol It has so much potential that hasn't been tapped. I am not going to sit back after this and let things go back to business as usual. A few of us have been fired up to change the climate. One thing we want to do is get more people involved or at least informed about the people they vote in as selectmen. With all due respect, I don't believe Bristol is still like it was when you were growing up. The response from hundreds of people, to our situation has proved that Bristol is ready for a change. Bristol 2009 deserves more!

  6. Yes Jay, Can you believe it? Unfortunately I can. We just got a call from Terry and Noah to say that OSHA arrived this afternoon and put a cease and desist notice on the building. They have also contacted the structural engineer company who are supposed to be shoring the building up to make it safe to work in. Meanwhile, Suldenski is sunning himself in Costa Rica, and God knows where our selectmen stand with any of this.

  7. I think Suldenski should have to live in the building until it is fixed. With his thick skull he doesn't need a hard hat.

  8. Linda~
    I Very much agree that more people should be informed about who they vote in as selectmen. I talked with one of them yesterday about this very subject.

    I'm wondering what you mean when you say you "don't believe Bristol is still like it was when you were growing up." I hope this doesn't come across as hostile because I am just curious, but how do you know? What specifically do you mean by that? The only change in Bristol I've seen is it getting built up which saddens me. I love the small, close-knit community and if you mean by "Bristol has potential" that it has the potential to get built up into a touristy business place, then I have to respectfully disagree.

  9. Hi Laura,I think this is a great discussion, not hostile at all. My comment that I think Bristol is changing, was from many conversations we have had with local people, who either grew up here of have been around a lot longer than us, who really are sick of the status quo and want something positive to happen in town. When you say, "this is just how Bristol is," it seems to imply that there is no hope of it being any other way. I don't need to be a local, I only need to be human, to know that people and places can change for the better. When a critical mass of locals want things to be better in Bristol, they will get better. That includes the politics and it includes doing things right. We are interested in helping that process on as much as we can. When I say Bristol has potential I don't mean as a built up gentrified vacation town. I mean the potential for the kids who are getting a good education, to be able to get good jobs in the area if they so wish, decent housing and some interesting fun things to do on their time off. That does mean attracting business to the town, and one of the ways to do that is to have a thriving down town area that looks like this is a well run town and to provide cultural activities to enrich life here.
