Thursday, October 22, 2009

Great to be back!

It is so wonderful to have The Mill filled with the sound of great music once more. Joel Cage played last Saturday and he was truly on form. Read a review of Joel's recent work on Randy Richards blog. Randy is from Mountain Spirit Institute and it was he who introduced us to Chimu, the Peruvian band who played at The Mill a while back. He tells me they will be returning to America next year, so look out for a Fall concert.

I'm thinking I need to write a talk about the importance of live music, and take it out on the road. It is so important that we keep it alive, and there are so few venues these days where it is considered important enough to listen rather than it be thought of as background music. I can't imagine as an actress, performing in a play as people chat among themselves, I am at a loss as to why it became acceptable to treat musicians that way. I am proud of the Mill audiences and the reception we give musicians, I know they appreciate it.

Unusually , we have two concerts this week. Tonight we have jazz for the first time. An exciting experiment to see if there is enough interest to make it a regular thing, and on Saturday Paul Connor and Lou Porrazzo play.

Another of Noah's great ideas, is our new Music Club. It's a way of thanking people who come very regularly to the concerts, and a way of encouraging more of you to do the same! Details below.

Mill Music Club
Regular at our concerts? Save a $1 on every show and get 10% off an entree at all concerts (as an active member).
Membership is free but you must pre-pay for at least 5 concerts at once (at a discounted price). Membership cards will be available for purchase at every concert.

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